The never ending thirst in life to explore. Series of self portraits in different situations, places and time.

Nashik, India.
October 2018.

Mumbai, India.
April 2019.

Mumbai , India.

Geduara, Uttar Pradesh, India.
May 2019.

Nashik, India.
July 2018

Mumbai, India.
April 2019.

Tabo, Spiti Valley, India.
April 2018.

Maledhumala, Nashik, India.
January 2018.

Mumbai, India.
February 2019.

Prayagraj , India.
February 2019.

Nashik, India. April 2019.

Nashik, India. May 2019.

Mumbai, India.
August 2019.

Konkan, India.
May 2019.