About The Project
The crux of Naive Streets is my connection with the life on the streets. My burgeoning affinity for photography led me to conserving a certain reciprocity that I felt with the wonted streets.
Naive Streets is rudimentarily a gallery that intends to take its viewer on a mysterious visual ride. Chiefly dwelling on the quotidian life of people and gobs of places from around the globe, each spectator can find a tailor-made take away from this curation. Whether it is reading a story, interpreting a scene, being curious about the emotions in a frame or simply cherishing a moment, every photograph stands its ground.
Gawking at and observing scenes in my customary life enabled me to preserve them through photographs. The urge to share these bliss-filled moments facilitated the birth of Naive Streets.
As an observer I savour the experience of the outdoors as one that is naive, in essence of it being a comfortable blend between innocent, natural and sincere. Curation of Naive Streets was aimed at chronicling this feeling through the medium of images.
Capturing a photograph has matured into a meditative process for me. Whenever I am overcome by the feeling of a scenario being the perfect moment, living that very flash becomes distinctive in ways that clicking a photograph organically follows suit.
In the split second of freezing time inside the camera, my muscle memory whispers to me that the comprehensive aesthetic value is the most definitive aspect of photography trailed by the technicalities put in motion while taking a photograph.
The entire process of shooting the life of the streets is precarious. I find myself agile with my instincts clutching my reflexes, ready for a sudden whisk of a startling moment which breaks through without a warning, especially with the amount of life transpiring around me.
The quest of how I connect with the events that occur around us is the nucleus for me. While photographing, I always be credulous about the case that it’s the eye that brews the frame to a paramount importance and not the finger which clicks a knob.
The patience and the erratic wait for a perfect moment make me contended, intertwining curiously to the scene and subsequently the story. Every image that I have captured bears a peculiar story and I truly love going back to those dates and junctures even when I revisit the pictures year after year.
Personally, Naive streets is a forum where I can see my work coming together and forming a union. The ability of assorted photographs encompassing diverse people, places and objects/ articles to potentially coalesce on a common platform sparks an interest in me.
I concur that photography has changed the way I view the world and in turn the way the world sees me.
Want to know more or share your thoughts? I would love to hear from you.